Sunday, December 12

The Alien Parasite Hypothesis

Mas ontem, a noite foi salva pelo episódio novo de The Big Bang Theory. A quarta temporada está a ser de um outro nível, e as conversas entre o Sheldon e a Amy são qualquer coisa de fazer rir até às lágrimas. E este clip, em que eles fazem o diagnóstico diferencial da reacção dela ao ter visto o ex-namorado da Penny, é o momento da temporada, até agora.

"Sheldon: What about environmental factors... Describe the scene for me.
Amy: I was sitting in the restaurant with Penny and Bernardette drinking water. Carbonated, as it was a special occasion. Penny's friend, Zack, stopped by and said 'Hello' and I said 'Ho!'.
Sheldon: Who?
Amy: Zack.
Sheldon: Then, why did you ask?
Amy: Ask what?
Sheldon: Who?
Amy: Zack.
Sheldon: (pause) Allright, let's start over... What did you say when Zack walked in?
Amy: Ho!
Sheldon: Zack.
Amy: Why do you keep saying 'Zack'?
Sheldon: Because you keep saying 'Who'.
Amy: I'm not saying 'Ho!' now, I said 'Ho!' last night.
Sheldon: And the answer was 'Zack', correct?
Amy: There was no question, I simply said 'Ho!'.
Sheldon: (pause) Allright, I think I have enough to go on... Possible explanations for your symptons are, in descending order of likelihood hyperthyroidism, pre-mature menopause, hosting an alien parasite or, and I only included it for the sake of covering absolutely all bases, sexual arousal.
Amy: Where would I have picked up an alien parasite?"

Chamem-me apanhadinha da cabeça, mas ri-me até às lágrimas com este diálogo. E na sexta à noite, com uma re-criação made by Nuno Pires, ainda eu não tinha visto o episódio.

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