Saturday, December 29
Tuesday, December 25
Feliz Natal e um Óptimo Ano de 2008!
Wednesday, December 19
Sunday, December 16
Kiss me, is this a dream?
My pressure dropped, this body went with it
Memory fails, I'm feeling claustrophobic
I scream my silent pain in this big plain
There's no one here
Tell me who is there now
Who is there with you
I'm taking no calls unless it's her voice
I'm seeing no one unless it's her
I open the mailbox every hour
Maybe I'll hit the postman
I want to hear some love words
But not it that dyslexic voice
No I won't tear apart for you
But I was given no choice
I guess I was trying to keep me alive
But once I was dead there was nothing to do beside
Picking me up and lying me down
Waiting for some angel
To wake me and say to me
"Hello. Don't be scared. I want you to know, you're not dead."
Kiss me, is this a dream?
Should I believe it?
Please promise to me that I'm not going to get hurt this time.
Am I too good for you, am I just paranoid?
Should I clinical ou should I speak louder?
Maybe I should close my eyes for years
And wait for the strongest feeling
Out of all of the feelings
to raise
I guess I was trying to keep me alive
But once I was dead there was nothing to do beside
Picking me up and lying me down
Waiting for some angel
To wake me and say to me
"Hello. Don't be scared. I want you to know, you're not dead."
Kiss me, is this a dream?
Should I believe it?
Please promise to me that I'm not going to get hurt this time.
Am I real? Are you real? Is this real? What's real?
Am I real? Are you real? Is this real?
Tell me, what's real?
Silence 4 - 'Angel Song' - Silence Becomes It - 1998
Friday, December 14
Ainda para mais, aquela música não sai da cabeça...
Porra pá!
(Eu sei, post muito brejeiro. Não volta a acontecer, mas hoje tem mesmo de ser! Peço desculpa.)
Thursday, December 13
O final da aula de Psicologia
Já agora, por falar em Dream Theater, deixava aqui os parabéns ao meu irmãozinho querido que faz anos hoje! PARABÉNS! :D ***
Which DT album are you? (a.K.a. 'O resto da aula de Psicologia')
What Dream Theater album are you? created with | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
You scored as Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence You are Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence! Dream Theaters first and only double album. You are a diverse and very clever progressive album. Ranging from the likes of super heavy and over the top The Glass Prison all the way to the tame chilled out Solitary Shell. Often overlooked by fans you will still have something for everyone.

Which Dream Theater Member are you? (a.K.a 'O que estou a fazer na aula de Psicologia.')
Which member of Dream Theater are you? created with | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
You scored as Kevin Moore Kevin Moore. The first keyboardist. You left due to creative differences that came along over the years. You are an immensely talented keyboardist, very capable of flashy solos, but you don't show off a great deal. Your lyrics are of a darker/broodier sense.

Monday, December 10
Friday, December 7
Ah! É verdade...
Apesar de quase não ter ninguém a ler esta porcaria...
E ainda que também outra minha amiga foi lá a loja fazer-me uma surpresa! Meu Deus! Obrigada Joana!
Epá e pronto. Apeteceu-me. Estou feliz (incrivelmente) porque vi duas das pessoas mais importantes da minha vida! E o resto dos problemas que se lixem... (por hoje!)
Thursday, December 6
As vezes que eu ouvi isto...
Dás-me o ouvido
De arrancar músicas ao ar
Na tempestade
Madeira e vidro
Saberão como não quebrar
As chamas trinco
No gelo ardido
São formas muitas de te amar
Depois dos cinco
O sexto sentido
Saberá tudo entrelaçar
É por tudo o que em nós corre
Que se vive e que se morre
Meu sangue sinto
Que à terra desce
É no teu corpo o seu lugar
Dentro do instinto
Tudo o que cresce
É forma boa de se amar
É por tudo o que em nós corre
Que se vive e que se morre
Eu toco, eu fujo, eu volto, eu passo
Giro nos meus seis sentidos
Eu desço à terra e subo ao espaço
Agarrado aos seis sentidos
Silence 4 e Sérgio Godinho - 'Sexto Sentido' - Silence Becomes It - 1998
Monday, December 3
Denny Crane...
Gracie Jane: Gracie Jane.
Denny Crane: Denny Crane.
Gracie Jane: Gracie Jane.
Denny Crane: Are you making fun of me?
Denny Crane: You hear the one about the fella who died, went to the pearly gates? St. Peter let him in. Sees a guy in a suit making a closing argument. Says, "Who's that?" St. Peter says, "Oh, that's God. Thinks he's Denny Crane."
Alan Shore: Objection, your Honor. You can't preface your second point with "first of all."
Saturday, December 1
Latest Music Addiction
P.S. A pinta do baterista é que é! :D