Tuesday, February 7

Walk Tall.

Callie: You know I used to walk tall around here.  I used to walk tall.  Then came George, he took off at least an inch.  Then Erica went and left me, that shaved off a few more.  I got shorter.. all that humiliation makes you shorter so yeah, I am scared of getting hurt because one more personal disaster right now, would cut me off at the knees.
Mark: Walk tall. All you can do is be brave enough to get out there.  You fought, you loved, you lost.  Walk tall Torres…”

Grey's Anatomy, Season 5 - Episode 12

Estive aqui a noite toda a matutar neste momento de um episódio de Grey's Anatomy porque este conselho que o Mark deu à Callie, já na longínqua season cinco, não me sai da cabeça. E não sei explicar porquê.
A culpa deve ser de Microbiologia. Exame de quinta-feira, nunca mais chegas!

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